Project Folder Creator
Its just for internal use. We have regular folder structure to maintain our project on each users machine. Project folder creator (PFC) command, just creates project folder & all necessory folders in user’s home directory.
For Linux
Automated installation of pfc
- Copy link and paste into terminal
` wget -qO pfc && sudo mv pfc /usr/bin/ && sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/pfc`
- Then run
and enter folder name. Use projects domain name as folder name.
Manually installation of pfc
- Step 1: Download file and open in terminal.
- Step 2: Copy file and save in /usr/bin/
sudo cp pfc /usr/bin/
- Step 3: Change file permission
- Goto directory ` cd /usr/bin/ `
- Change permission ` chmod +x pfc `
- Step 4: Run pfc and enter folder name.
For Windows
- Step 1: Download pfc.bat file.
- Step 2: Goto windows setting > about > advanced system settings and click on environment variables.
- Step 3: Edit user variables path and add your pfc.bat file location.
- Step 4: Edit System variable and add new variable as a **workdir ** and add path of where to make work directory
- Step 5: Open cmd and execute command: pcf